Dear Diary
Today, Percy felt well enough to venture down to the beach with me, so we spent the day down there, Percy showing off. He actually stopped the tide because I said it was the perfect distance from our blanket. Wrapped up in his battered arms, I've never felt safer.

Speaking o battered, Chiron revealed the worst of his injuries; a broken wrist and two broken ribs. He should be fine with some more nectar and ambrosia, though which is good.

So, anyway, we were on the beach and I brought up achitecture, telling him all about the finishing touches I'd been putting on Olympus. I said it felt good to have something permanant, and he nodded.

"Speaking of permanant, marry me some day," he repled casualy, staring ahead at the ocaen, and thn back to me. There was such love in his vivid green eyes I smiled. "Of course!"

So, in 10th grade, I have found my soul mate.

And I'll never be apart from him.

Annabeth XXX

Dear Diary

I have Percy back! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Percy + Annabeth = happy me! Here's what happened...
As Ibegan trekking up the mountain, I heard a deep booming growl. I shuddered; Typhon wasn't liking his old home. I also heard the deep voice of the General, speaking to a quiter voice. My heart hammered in my chest as a pulled my self over the edge and crouched down. Below, I could see Percy, and he didn't look good. His hair, clothes ans skin were singed and burnt, and he was covered in deep gashed and huge purple bruises. I noticed his hairline was matted with blood, and a fury built inside me.
But the injuries weren't the worst part. That was his expression; he looked grave and hauted, his face paler and his eyes duller than I'd ever seen them. I gasped quietly, and he gazed up weakly. When he saw me, his eyes lit up with such love I got butterflies. But then he frowned and mouthed "Go" I cried out, "NO!", and the general turned to face me. Percy looked agonized, like he didn't care how battered and bruised he was, just that I was in a hint of danger. I threw my invisibility cap on and dropped down to the center of the volcano. I ran to Percy while the General was trying to see if I'd fallen down the other side. Hastily, I cut the chains around his hands and handed him the sword lying at his feet. He whispered "Thank you, Annabeth. You should go. I don't want you hurt trying to save me. Hurt at all. Please." I glared at him playfully and simply yelled "HEY, BIG UGLY!" towards the general, who whipped round asnd sprinted towards us. Without thinking, I rammed my cap on Percy's head and watched him disappear.
The next  10 minuites were a blur; I swooped and slashed and kicked and yelled, all the while hearing Percy sprinting circles around the General and slashing as well. It wasn't long before the General was no more. I cheered and felt around for Percy. A gust of wind blew the hat into my hand and he came into view. He looked weak and defeated, and he collapsed, a smear of blood running down his face. I wanted to throw up, and ran to him. Within minuites I'd signalled Blackjack and Percy and I were safely back at camp. Right now he is resting in his cabin. I guese I'd better go visit him...

Annabeth XX